Timber Creek, NT (Eddie Synot, 2018).
Publications, conferences and research
Academic publications
* See my CV/Resume for full and current details
Eddie Synot, ‘Finding Justice Between Accommodation and Refusal’, in Coel Kirkby, Wojciech Sadurski, and Kevin Walton (eds), Law, Politics, and Responding to Injustice (Routledge, 1st ed, 2024).
Eddie Synot, ‘The Meaningful Expression of Indigenous Sovereignty through the Uluru Statement from the Heart’ (2022) Volume 2, Julian Meyrick (ed), The New Platform Papers: From the Heart, The Voice, the Arts and Australian Identity, Currency House, Griffith University.
Eddie Synot, ‘The Uluru Statement and changing the culture and power of decision-making’ INDIGCONLAW (28 October 2021).
Roshan de Silva-Wijeyeratne and Edward Synot, ‘On the Problem of the Nation(alism): Persistence and Absence in the Indian Post-Colony’ (2021) Law, Culture and the Humanities 1.
Edward Synot and Roshan de Silva-Wijeyeratne, ‘Constitutional Foundations: Cooper v Stuart’ (2021) in Watson, N and Douglas, H (eds) Indigenous Judgments Project (Routledge, 2021).
Gabrielle Appleby and Edward Synot, ‘Constitutional conversation, institutional listening and the First Nations Voice’ AUSPUBLAW (4 March 2021).
Gabrielle Appleby and Edward Synot, ‘A First Nations Voice: Institutionalising Political Listening’ (2020) 48 (4) Federal Law Review 529.
Gabrielle Appleby, Vanessa MacDonnell and Edward Synot, ‘The Pervasive Constitution: The Constitution Outside the Courts’ (2020) 48 (4) Federal Law Review 437.
Eddie Synot, ‘The Rightful Place of First Nations: Love & Thoms’ AUSPUBLAW (6 March 2020).
Edward Synot, ‘Arresting the Tide of History: the Uluru Statement from the Heart’ TWAILR Reflections #13/2020.
Edward Synot, Mary Graham, John Graham, Faith Valencia-Forrester, Catherine Longworth and Bridget Backhaus, ‘Weaving First Peoples’ Knowledge Into a University Course’ (2020) 49 (1) Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 1.
Edward Synot, ‘The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70: Indigenous Rights and the Uluru Statement from the Heart’ (2019) 73 (4) Australian Journal of International Affairs 320.
Edward Synot and Dylan Lino, ‘The Recognition and Protection of Indigenous Rights’ (2019) in Matthew Groves, Janina Boughey and Dan Meagher (eds), The Legal Protection of Rights in Australia (Hart Publishing, 2019).
Edward Synot, ‘Book Review, Dylan Lino, Constitutional Recognition: First Peoples and the Australian Settler State’ (2019) 44 (3) Alternative Law Journal 253.
Edward Synot, ‘Book Review, Michael Mansell, Treaty and Statehood: Aboriginal Self-Determination’ (2017) 30 (8)Indigenous Law Bulletin 33.
Other publications
Lake Mungo, NSW (Eddie Synot, 2019).
March 2023, ‘The Voice: what is it, where did it come from, and what can it achieve?’, The Conversation.
September 2022, ‘Uluru Statement from the Heart is the only way forward for meaningful change’, Crikey.
July 2022, ‘Australians are firmly in the affirmative when it comes to saying Yes to a Voice’, The Daily Telegraph.
May 2022, ‘We keep hearing about a First Nations Voice to parliament, but what would it actually look like in practice?’, The Conversation.
May 2022, ‘How do the major parties rate on the First Nations Voice to Parliament? We asked 5 experts’, The Conversation.
April 2022, ‘How the election could affect the future of a First Nations Voice to Parliament’, The Conversation.
November 2021, Why the Australian government must listen to Torres Strait leaders on climate change, The Conversation.
October 2021, The Uluru Statement and changing the culture power and decision-making, Indigenous Constitutional Law Blog, ILC UNSW.
August 2021, Why delaying legislation on a Voice to parliament is welcome — it allows more time to get things right, The Conversation.
April 2020, Terra nullius interruptus: Captain James Cook and absent presence in First Nations art, The Conversation.
February 2020, Our rightful place, but foundational issues remain unresolved, NITV SBS Online.
October 2019, Ken Wyatt’s proposed ‘voice to government’ marks another failure to hear Indigenous voices, The Conversation.
July 2019, Listening with ‘our ears and our eyes’: Ken Wyatt’s big promises on Indigenous affairs, The Conversation.
May 2019, Ken Wyatt faces challenges – and opportunities – as minister for Indigenous Australians, The Conversation.
May 2019, Constitutional reform made easy: how to achieve the Uluru statement and a First Nations voice, The Conversation.
March 2019, The Uluru statement showed how to give First Nations people a real voice – now it’s time for action, The Conversation.
September 2018, Let sunken endeavours rest, NITV SBS Online.
Dec 2017, Forms of Authority Beyond the Neoliberal State, Griffith University, Conference abstract exploring my developing research on a critique of sovereignty through engaging and understanding Indigenous sovereignty.
Dec 2017, Law and Society Association of Australia and New Zealand, University of Otago, Conference abstract regarding the law, Australia Day, ritual dispossession and the use of Indigenous hip hop and rap as both legal critique and sovereign affirmation.
Feb 2017, Indigenous HDR Emerging Scholars Colloquium, University of Sydney.
Dec 2016, Law and Society Association of Australia and New Zealand, Griffith University, Conference presentation, (Re)cognition and the Memorialisation of Indigenous Dispossession.